- Or maybe a wise wizard? 还是扮成一个神奇的术士?
- Why don't we watch a suspense movie, or maybe a thriller? 为什么我们不看部悬念片或是惊险片呢?
- Yes, good. Or maybe a lot of stuff is in these ruins. 好看。也可能很多东西是在这种废墟里面。
- Awesome. I would like a platypus. Or maybe a liger. A liger would be amazing. 真是太棒了.;我想要一只鸭嘴兽
- She might have been as old as Tom, or maybe a year or two older: but Tom did not think of that. 她可能和汤姆一样年纪,或许大一两岁,但是汤姆并不注意这些,只想着她那细嫩的皮肤和一头金发,心想不知她是个真人、还是在店铺里见过的蜡娃娃。
- Or maybe a little standoff could be made that the tank rests on when clamped down from the top. 这是断章取义,版主得把一段完整的全贴上来,才能翻译出确切的意思!!
- A wise man doesn't know everything. 智者并非每一件事都懂。
- If words were edible, Proven?al speech would be a rich, thick, pungent verbal stew, simmered in an accent filled with twanging consonants;a civet, perhaps, or maybe a daube. 如果把它比喻为可食的东西,那普罗旺斯法语讲出来就像浓重而深沉炖菜,夹杂着浓重的鼻音在口腔里慢炖的感觉,麝猫香亦或是炖牛肉;
- A wise candidate should have the media in hand. 一个明智的候选人应该把传媒控制在手中。
- He is a wise man who speaks little. 聪明不是挂在嘴上。
- He is a wise counselor in time of need. 在困难时他是个好参谋。
- A wise and trusted counselor or teacher. 贤明和忠实的顾问或良师
- Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko. 也许在臀部刺一只小青蛙还是壁虎什么的。
- The reign of a wise ruler benefits his country. 贤明统治者的统治有益于他的国家。
- Or maybe it is not a miracle at all. 或者可能这根本上就不是一个奇迹。
- A man may talk like a wise man and act like a fool. 说得天花乱坠,干得颠三倒四。
- Or maybe a cluster - with a dedicated database server with RAID and tape backups for sure, and also a separate machine to run the interface. 或者可能是一个集群有一个使用了RAID的专用的数据库服务器,以及磁带备份的保证,还有单独的机器来运行界面。
- A wise outlook, plan, or course of action. 明智明智的看法、计划或行为过程
- LOOK inside the wardrobe in your house. What jumps to your eyes? Just a blank wall? Or maybe a door to a secret fairyland? 打开家里的衣橱,看看它的背后是否也隐藏了一个奇异的魔法国度!
- Are you from Japan? Or maybe you are a Korean. 你从日本来吗?或者可能你是韩国人?